Profound loss and identity release
At the beginning of 2022, I pulled an archetype card from the #13moonoracle for the year ahead. The Creator/Destroyer archetype, most commonly associated with the Goddess Kali, showed up.
Back then, she made sense to me. There was upcoming change that I had consciously initiated in my work, with the completion of my private therapy practice and the opening of a new professional chapter. I thought that was what the card referred to.
But just like with dream interpretation, the most obvious message is never the one we are meant to receive.
2022 turned out to be a ‘tower year’ for me (a phrase I was introduced to by my teacher & friend, @dr.vanessasage ); a year of profound loss and cataclysmic change, very different than what I had envisioned, which stripped away so many of the layers (roles, identities, coping strategies…) that had been previously standing between myself and the world.
I’m still in the early days of an experience I will be processing for a very long time, but one thing has become very clear:
Profound loss breaks us. And it can often, also, break us open.
I know, by speaking with many of you in here and outside, that I’m not the only one who has gone through a life-changing initiation this past year -and not necessarily in the easiest of ways. It may have manifested very differently for each of us, but there seems to be a common thread here; that of skin/identity shedding.
Inspired by this personal and collective process, I have recently taught a class, titled “Shedding the Layers of the False Self”, which you can access on demand at any time.
…an embodied exploration of the roles and personas we develop unconsciously to mask our true selves, in order to be safe, loved and accepted, as well as an experiential initiation of the process of shedding those which have served their purpose and are ready to be released.
I hope it reaches those of you who need it the most, may it serve you well.