
Here, you will find a collection of my writings over the years, on Body, Soul and Depth Work.

I am currently sharing my longer, deeper writing on the Substack platform, through my publication, The Yellowing Therapist. I invite you to join me and a community of fellow seekers, there -you can simply read my posts or subscribe by email to receive them in your inbox as soon as they are published.

The Blog

Shedding the layers of the false self

Shedding the layers of the false self

In Jungian psychology, we call it persona. In my somatic therapy tradition of SomaSoul, we call it role. In Alchemical Spirituality, we speak about the masks we wear to hide our essence.

Different terms, with slightly different meanings, dancing around the same core theme; that of authenticity and what prevents us from truly embodying it.

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Profound loss and identity release

Profound loss and identity release

2022 turned out to be a ‘tower year’ for me; a year of profound loss and cataclysmic change, very different than what I had envisioned, which stripped away so many of the layers (roles, identities, coping strategies…) that had been previously standing between myself and the world.

I’m still in the early days of an experience I will be processing for a very long time, but one thing has become very clear:
Profound loss breaks us. And it can often, also, break us open.

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On the Alchemical Process of Dissolution

On the Alchemical Process of Dissolution

D i s s o l u t i o n

…is the stage in alchemy in which a solid substance turns into liquid.

At a psyche/soul level, it is the process of letting those parts of ourselves that have served their purpose and now cause more harm than good be released, “melt”, dissolve into their original substance -the ‘prima materia’.

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