Reimagining Manifestation
I believe that the popular teachings on manifestation and the law of attraction can often be more of a detour than a path toward real psychospiritual growth.
The overly simplistic version of reality they present fails to meet the complexity and nuance of life, and of ourselves as humans in so many ways.
And -I don’t think that we are meant to dismiss them altogether as ‘magical thinking’ either.
Because here’s what my personal experience and that of the people I’ve worked with has shown me, time and time again…
We are not omnipotent.
Not everything is under our conscious control.
Life is so much bigger than our minds.
We are not powerless pawns on the chessboard either.
Our lives are not random sequences of events.
We do hold power and choice.
We ARE magic.
Our journeys on this planet are filled with meaning and purpose.
Our power doesn’t lie in our minds.
Our magic doesn’t come from projecting a specific image of reality on our future.
Our path gets revealed every step of the way, if we have eyes to see it.
So, how do we hold both together?
What would a more whole-istic, nuanced, grounded AND magical, body AND mind, psyche AND spirit approach to it look and feel like?
These are the questions that the ‘Reimagining Manifestation’ workshop has been created to explore.
Because we can and need to reimagine manifestation.
Mature it.
Make it more whole.
And this way build a different relationship with our life’s journey, our personal Myth, too; one of reverence over leverage.
If you have been looking for a different way as well, a deeper way, this is for you and I would love to have you join us.
Let’s weave a new narrative, together.