Embodied writing as a gateway to Self

I have had a writing practice since I was in elementary school. It sometimes included crafting stories and scenarios, poems and tales, but, for the most part, I wrote down my thoughts and feelings.
During my undergraduate years in university, when I had ample free time, I must have filled about 30 journals, all of which I still keep in my home in Greece. I wrote *a lot*.
And then…life got busy. I kept writing, but found it progressively harder to prioritise it. Just like with other forms of self-care or inner work, it tends to be among the first things we drop, when there are a million others to take care of.
But even when I would sit down to write, it would take me a long time to truly connect with myself -to go deeper than the surface layer of my awareness- and that only reinforced my “I don't have time for this!” attitude.
And it makes sense. Our nervous systems are so overwhelmed with information, stimulation and constant input that the slowing-down and tuning-in that writing requires becomes hard to access.
To be able to connect with the parts of ourselves that are under the surface of the overactive mind, we need a way to regulate and soothe our systems, to land in them and in the moment.
And I haven't found a more effective, potent way that bringing the body into the picture.

Weaving embodiment into our writing creates a direct gateway into the core of our being.

Drawing our awareness to the body’s experience, through sensation, emotion and subtle feeling, quickly quietens the mind’s busyness, and gives us access to the parts of ourselves that hold our gold; the knowing, wisdom and truths that truly matter.

Bringing our words back into the body and letting it respond to them through movement, creates a magical dance, a back-and-forth, an ouroboros cycle, that infinitely enriches our process, engaging the verbal and non-verbal parts of ourselves alike.

This unique alchemy between writing and movement is at the heart of the 'Move your Words, Write from your Body' embodied writing experience; an intentionally-crafted fusion of the expressive languages of writing and movement, under the light of the full moon, to facilitate communion with self and sacred self-expression.

Stay tuned for upcoming events!


Reimagining Manifestation


Who are you becoming?