
Here, you will find a collection of my writings over the years, on Body, Soul and Depth Work.

I am currently sharing my longer, deeper writing on the Substack platform, through my publication, The Yellowing Therapist. I invite you to join me and a community of fellow seekers, there -you can simply read my posts or subscribe by email to receive them in your inbox as soon as they are published.

The Blog

Embodied writing as a gateway to Self

Embodied writing as a gateway to Self

I have had a writing practice since I was in elementary school.

During my undergraduate years in university, when I had ample free time, I must have filled about 30 journals, all of which I still keep in my home in Greece. I wrote *a lot*. 

And then…life got busy. I kept writing, but found it progressively harder to prioritise it.

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{Story Time} Ecstasy Embodied

{Story Time} Ecstasy Embodied

It’s 2011…I’m at Kripalu in Massachusetts, training in SomaSoul somatic expressive therapy with Dan Leven.

At every single one of our year-long trainings, I move through a very specific sequence of states; I start from a place of feeling ‘fine’ (=not feeling much)…

after a couple days of intensive work, my defences melt and I dive deep into feeling -what in Gestalt Psychology we call- the ‘death layer’ (=my painful emotions, shadow, challenges -all that I have been unconsciously keeping away from)…

and then, something interesting happens.

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My Journey back into my Body

My Journey back into my Body

My journey back into my body started about 13 years ago.

In late 2006, I was halfway through my bachelor’s degree in Psychology and deep in my struggle with an eating disorder. I spent my days counting calories and compulsively exercising. I loved moving my body -I did contemporary dance almost every day- but was deeply disconnected from it. I had no concept of what living in-the-body meant, nor why it was important.

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The nature of my work: embodied, alchemical soul work

The nature of my work: embodied, alchemical soul work

In my practice, I bring together a number of elements from different traditions and modalities, so it hasn’t always been easy to accurately describe and define the nature of it. Recently though, through exploration, I have landed in these words: Embodied, Alchemical Soul Work, which I really feel encapsulate the core and essence of it.

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On the Alchemical Process of Dissolution

On the Alchemical Process of Dissolution

D i s s o l u t i o n

…is the stage in alchemy in which a solid substance turns into liquid.

At a psyche/soul level, it is the process of letting those parts of ourselves that have served their purpose and now cause more harm than good be released, “melt”, dissolve into their original substance -the ‘prima materia’.

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