Body Freedom Work is Inner Work
When we hear about food & body-image work, we often think that the focus would be…food and the body -as in movement and exercise. And even though those elements can be part of it, especially in the early stages, in my experience, if this process is to really work, it needs to be about…EVERYTHING.
Food and body-image issues do not present themselves in isolation, separately from the rest of our lives. Like Bill Plotkin says, in his book ‘Wild Mind’, the symptom is an *indication* of a problem -not the actual problem.
Food & body symptoms are a -visible- indication that we are operating in -less visible- ways that are not balanced or whole in life in general.
They are a message from our psyche, our Self that something needs to change. That there is some sort of imbalance on an internal level that is calling for our attention. That we have outgrown a phase or version of ourselves and we need to step into a new one -as whole beings, not *just* in this area of our lives.
Body freedom work is inner work.
It is a gateway into a much deeper, truer, more meaningful connection with ourselves than we ever thought possible.
When we try to only fix the symptom, we miss the point, we miss the opportunity, the invitation. And even if that specific symptom changes, the real source of the issue will remain and just find a different way to make itself known.
That is why the courses that I offer do not focus on nutrition or movement per se. The tools and frameworks I share are relevant and applicable to your life as a whole, they are about you as a person. Because when change happens at that fundamental level, the rest follows, naturally and organically.
When we shift the energy at the core of the matter, the surface adjusts and reorganises itself.
‘Inner Child, Parent and Adult in your Relationship with Food, Body and Self’ is now open and available for immediate access. It is a self-study course that will help you unlock the deeper why and inner dynamics behind food & body challenges, by gaining a more complete understanding of yourself and your personality as a whole, through the lens of inner parts/subpersonalities.
I hope it serves you well.
*Click here to watch an Instagram reel I have created about this.