Body Freedom Work is Inner Work

Body Freedom Work is Inner Work

Food & body symptoms are a -visible- indication that we are operating in -less visible- ways that are not balanced or whole in life in general.

They are a message from our psyche, our Self that something needs to change. That there is some sort of imbalance on an internal level that is calling for our attention. That we have outgrown a phase or version of ourselves and we need to step into a new one -as whole beings, not *just* in this area of our lives.

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The Energy Centres and our Relationship with the Body

The Energy Centres and our Relationship with the Body

As human beings, we are a beautiful mass of energy. And I don’t mean just spiritual energy, but physical, mental and emotional too.

To be well and whole, we need for that energy to flow freely and uninhibitedly through our psyche-soma-soul system.

As we grow up though, things happen that disrupt that free flow of energy.

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The Project/Problem Body Culture
body freedom Stella Stathi body freedom Stella Stathi

The Project/Problem Body Culture

The Project/Problem Body Culture is the paradigm in which our bodies are meant to be a project we need to work on, perfect, and present to the world to be rewarded, to receive acceptance and admiration, to be good and worthy. This project comes with specific measures of success; there are exact body dimensions and “health” standards we need to achieve to get a “good grade”. (health in quotes, because I’m talking about healthy = thin)

Then, if our project doesn’t come out as planned, if we “fail” at it, or our bodies “fail” to do what we ask them to, it all turns into a problem. Not A problem, but our main, most pressing, most embarrassing problem. One that we need to fix as soon as possible, at any cost. That needs to be a priority over anything else.

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Your Body speaks your Soul
body freedom Stella Stathi body freedom Stella Stathi

Your Body speaks your Soul

If there was just one thing I could ever share with you, this would be it:

Your Body speaks your Soul.

This is the vision that guides all of my work.

What I do is centered around the forgotten truth that the body is SO much more than flesh and bones, muscles and fat, inches and pounds. That our physical body is, really, synonymous, with our soul and psyche, and at the same time, the vessel for their expression. I live for the time when we know that we cannot separate one from the other, we cannot (wholly and deeply) work with and transform one without the other.

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I have a vision for you…
body freedom Stella Stathi body freedom Stella Stathi

I have a vision for you…

I envision you being so in tune with your Body, that you never-ever need to have a second thought about what, when and how much to eat again.

I envision you seeing Food as living and sacred, as you Body’s and Soul’s medicine, as an offering from the Earth, as your connection with the Earth.

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