
Here, you will find a collection of my writings over the years, on Body, Soul and Depth Work.

I am currently sharing my longer, deeper writing on the Substack platform, through my publication, The Yellowing Therapist. I invite you to join me and a community of fellow seekers, there -you can simply read my posts or subscribe by email to receive them in your inbox as soon as they are published.

The Blog

Embodied writing as a gateway to Self

Embodied writing as a gateway to Self

I have had a writing practice since I was in elementary school.

During my undergraduate years in university, when I had ample free time, I must have filled about 30 journals, all of which I still keep in my home in Greece. I wrote *a lot*. 

And then…life got busy. I kept writing, but found it progressively harder to prioritise it.

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